Our agency has been in translation business since 2008 providing translation services for law firms, including Matrimonial, Corporate, Immigration, Wills, Trusts, Estates; Corporations, LLCs and other businesses. We also help immigrant communities with translation of their vital records-
Certificates of Birth, Marriage and Divorce;
Powers of Attorney, Diplomas and Academic Transcripts, driver licenses and medical records.
To guarantee accuracy and legal recognition, we provide Certification, Notarization and Apostille services.
Our agency always meets our clients deadlines and provides fast and accurate translations.
Our professional translators are linguists and native speakers who specialize in different languages and are working around the globe.
The main languages are Russian, Ukrainian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Turkish, Polish, Czech and other European languages.
We also cooperate with a few Translation Agencies with offices in Europe, Asia and Middle East, who provide translations in other European, Asian and Middle Eastern languages, and have a large network of qualified resources, allowing to offer editing, proofreading, desktop publishing, and e-learning localization.
BBC Radio and Television
Gold Star Co., Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson
Mannai Telecommunications
ABB Lummus Global
Dunnington, Barthlolow & Miller LLP
Law office of Sergey Orel
Weiz & Luxenberg
Yasser Gonzalez Law firm
Cliffside Park, New Jersey 07010 United States
office: 201-945-7385 cell: 917-209-4124 WhatsApp: 917-209-4124
Monday-Saturday- By Appointment